Rainey is doing GREAT!!!! She is changing every day. People keep commenting that she looks like she has an adult face on a baby body. Her face is definitely changing to that of a little girl instead of a baby. She is also making strides in physical and social development as well. She smiles when you smile and laughs when you laugh. She is also learning sharing: she will put something in her mouth and then in my mouth and then back in hers, etc. Its so cool that she understands that!!! She hasn't said, "mama" yet but she is putting so many sounds and syllables together. Its so fun to watch and hear her. As you may have noticed in some of the pictures, she is most certainly pulling herself up and trying to walk. When we hold her hands she tries to let go and walk on her own even though she can't yet! She still only army crawls, though. I have heard that they are supposed to master crawling before they walk but I would wager that isn't going to happen. We hope you are all doing well! Life is great.