Rainey's Dreaming of a White Christmas...

December 21, 2008
Hello from Rainey!
It is snowing at my house and has been for the last four days! Mommy told me that this is the snowiest that she can ever remember it being. Wouldn't it be cool if my 1st Christmas was a snowy one? We have about 10-11" and its coming down prettty steadily! If you can't tell in that second picture, that's my mom's very DEEP footprint in the snow. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and if you don't have to go out in this stuff, please stay home safe and warm!

Christmas The Prequel

December 10, 2008
Uncle Ryan was home from Iraq this week and I was lucky enough to see him twice! We went out for dinner on Saturday, and then on Wednesday (the 10th) we had our Christmas with him. It was my first time opening presents and I think I did a pretty good job. I like my Caterpillar the best (and this great stuff called, "wrapping paper"), but I got alot of wonderful things from my Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle. A fun time was had by all!

Look what I can do!

December 16, 2008
Look! I learned to stand today! I am a little wobbly but I can do it by myself. I am working on pulling myself up too. Can you believe how much of a big girl I am?

1st Rice Cereal!

So, mom said that I was going to be eating like a big girl for the 1st time today!

I am ready with my bib!

Okay, so how does this go?

Wait, what is this stuff?

No! I don't like it!

Yeah, try again later, I'll take my milk please!

December 2, 2008

I love my Mommy and Auntie (and cousin Cash too!)

Daddy's Bday

Snow?!? What?!

December 12, 2008
Rainey's Current Mood: Confused
What the heck is this stuff falling from the sky?

Rainey and Santa!!!!

December 1, 2008
Tis the season!!!
I had my first visit with Santa today! He totally loved me and held me on his lap for a long time. I wasn't scared of him, I actually thought he was hilarious! I hope you are all having a lovely holiday season so far. Love, Rainey

Editor's Note: Oops, Mommy made a mistake...

A BIG mistake!
Early in the game I made a bet with Cory that I would like to go back on:Whichever school won the Apple Cup is the university that Rainey will attend.
Now I have always been supportive of WSU, even in this not so proud season. I, myself, am an Indiana University Alumni, whose Hoosiers lost to Purdue today 62-10. BUT, I thought it would be a pretty safe bet that the Huskies would win and I would have my daughter close by, (at least until her early twenties). Besides, UW seems an excellent place to get an education. Unfortunately for me, the Cougs pulled it off and now all I can rely on is Rainey's free will.
Have fun in Pullman baby, don't forget to bundle up.

Rainey's 1st taste of the APPLE: Will it be bitter or sweet?

Maybe one of these two can play in the Apple Cup and help out the Cougs?
Put me in coach!

Good luck Coug fans! I'll be watching with daddy!
November 22, 2008

Rain Drop has a funny hat

November 17, 2008
Rainey is doing so well.
She went to the doctor on Wednesday and she weighs 14.5 lbs and is 25 inches long. She laughs all the time now and she likes to stick out her tongue (or chew on it, I guess!). She also cries less and yells more. She is definitely finding her voice. She changes very frequently between looking like her daddy and looking like her mommy. She has mastered rolling over in both directions and will push off your hands to do an army crawl. (Crawling is a long ways away).
We love her so much.

Rainey wishes you Happy Halloween!

I can't wait to show you my costume(s)!

Sometimes I wear silly outfits!

Halloween is almost here!

My First Trip

October 7, 2008
This weekend I went on my very first trip! I went with my mommy and Grandma to Cannon Beach, OR. I had a really good time. We visited some family friends that I had never met before and I met one of my little friends, Chase. I will post more pictures soon!

Three months of Rain

October 1, 2008
12.2 lbs
23.5 inches
Hello there!
Our sweet little girl is three months old today, and we know how often it is said, but time sure flies when you have kids. Her newborn days are behind her. Yesterday she rolled over from her back to her stomach and then from her stomach to her back three times! She can also grab things (still working on it) and hasn't yet found her feet but she is starting to look down at them and wonder. We love her so much.
We hope you enjoy the video.

My First Mariners Game!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Today I went to see the Seattle Mariners vs. The Los Angeles Angels, my first game! I had a great time and even dressed in my Mariners sweater and hat. Daddy carried me all around the stadium in the Baby Bjorn. Everyone thought I was so cute. I stayed awake the whole time but fell right asleep in the car.

It was a good day.

Uncle Ryan

Hello there! I met my Uncle Ryan (daddy's bro) for the first time last week! He is my only uncle and I was so excited to meet him. He has been stationed in Colorado Springs, CO while awaiting going to Iraq soon, so I haven't seen him at all. Please keep him and all our troops in your prayers!

My Stats

My doctor's appt went great! I am now 10lbs 15oz and 23 inches. I am a little thing! That's okay though. The doctor said that I have put all my energy into growing long, but not bulking up. My mom wishes that were the case for her too! Speaking of that, my mom has created a blog to motivate her to GET IN SHAPE. Check it out and hold her accountable to exercise and get back to what she was before I came around and she spent all her time staring at me! http://danisbabyweightblog.blogspot.com/

Not much new to report. I have my 2 month doctor's appt. on Friday. I will let you know all about it then! So much has changed since I last went to the doctor. I am so much more mature.

Check out the picture from my first doctor's appt. (Two months ago)
I look just like the Swedish Chef from The Muppets! What was my mom thinking with that outfit??! And BOY WAS I SWOLLEN!!!

I hope everyone has a great day! Thanks for visiting. -Rainey Alexis

From the Boppy of Rainey Alexis

Whut's up everybody. I forgot to tell you that when I was born, our chiropractor, Dr Laycock at Today's Chiropractic, had these awesome chocolate bars made up. Check them out. Aren't they cool?