Over, Under and Straight Ahead

Oops, looks like I have been caught trying to crawl THROUGH my activity center...

but I am going to keep on going...
just try to keep up with me!!!!
March 23, 2009
I remember when I would lament to other parents that Rainey hadn't started crawling yet. They told me to be patient because once babies are on the move, your life is never the same. Well, Rainey has only been crawling for a couple days, but I can certainly see where this is heading. She never stays in one place. She even tried to climb under her activity center that has an elevated base! She is having tons of fun and is loving her new accomplishment. Time is flying for sure.

Rainey Can CRAWL

March 23, 2009

Rainey has finally learned to crawl! Maybe it was all those kids she played with yesterday, (Aunt Ali thinks Mister Cash taught her), but somehow Rainey FINALLY got it and crawled for the first time on National Corn Dog Day, March 22, 2009. Time to put up the baby gates!

Easter is coming!

I am so much bigger that when I was on Santa's lap!!!

Happy Girl

March 21, 2009
Today was National Corn Dog Day and I also went to a baby shower with my mom. I had a fun day!

Little Leprechaun!

March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Making Baby Food

Hello again!
Rainey stopped breastfeeding a couple of weeks ago. More her choice than mine as I was hoping that we would make it at least a year. Oh well, she is done with it, so I must deal with that. She is still having about 32 oz of formula a day and she eats solid food three times a day. (When I say she eats solid food, I mean we try to feed it to her and she mostly refuses to eat it). I am making my own baby food. It is very simple! I just use a steamer (thanks Auntie Ali) and my generic Magic Bullet food processor. When it is mixed, we pour it in the ice cube tray for perfeect 1 oz portions that last all week! http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/ or the book Super Baby Food are great references if you want to tackle this as well.


March 15, 2009
It snowed again today! Rainey doesn't even realize how weird this is!

March Picture Madness

(editor's note: Extremely silly outfit)

First Weeks of March
Rainey is doing GREAT!!!! She is changing every day. People keep commenting that she looks like she has an adult face on a baby body. Her face is definitely changing to that of a little girl instead of a baby. She is also making strides in physical and social development as well. She smiles when you smile and laughs when you laugh. She is also learning sharing: she will put something in her mouth and then in my mouth and then back in hers, etc. Its so cool that she understands that!!! She hasn't said, "mama" yet but she is putting so many sounds and syllables together. Its so fun to watch and hear her. As you may have noticed in some of the pictures, she is most certainly pulling herself up and trying to walk. When we hold her hands she tries to let go and walk on her own even though she can't yet! She still only army crawls, though. I have heard that they are supposed to master crawling before they walk but I would wager that isn't going to happen. We hope you are all doing well! Life is great.

Just Monkeying Around

March 10, 2009

My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades...

March 1, 2009
Happy 8 month birthday to me!
I said "baba" for the first time today and I know that means, "bottle." I am so smart. I am working on "mama," but just can't seem to get it out. I also can do a mean army crawl. I can army crawl about 12 feet in about a minute or 2: a slow and steady pace!