Mommy and me, before and after!

June 30, 2009 Mommy and me one year ago today.
Mommy and me now!

The doctor, one year later.

June 29, 2009
Today I went for my One Year doctor's appt!The doctor checked me out, and he thinks I am doing very well!

I weighed in at 21lbs and I am 29 inches tall. (62.5% for weight, 50% for height)
My head is 18 inches around, incase you wanted to know.
Look at how tiny I was at the doctor last year, now I don't even fit on the scale!

Rainey's First Birthday Photos!!!!

It's Rainey's first birthday time!Mommy decorating.She's proud of her work. Favors for the kids.Party hats.Rare photo of these five!

The parents of a one year old. Wow!

Greeting arriving guests!

My first present came early. A cool baby-sized recliner!

Happy family.

The Phillips Family in effect.

Grandma Mert, me and Grandpa Curt.
Linda, Cash, Kelly and Me!

Roberta and ChrisLunch time!!!Lunch time for me too! I am having chicken!Thanks for the help, Grandpa!Cake Time!Kissing break during cake time! My yaya and me. Wow, look at that pile!

Present time!Hug break between presents!

Rick and Kiki all the way from NYC!

Post Parade.

Mommy and I think this has been a great party so far!

Having fun with Great Grandma.

Shaianne and Javon.

The Donovans in a picture together in different rooms.

Wow, a gorgeous Mother and Son!

Great yaya and Auntie D

Great Papou and Uncle George
I am a princess, thanks Kiki! And look at that monkey, Bubbles! R.I.P. MJ.

Chris and Great Grandma

Kiki and Rick in an artistic photo. =)

Pretty ladies!

My God bro.

Hi friend! Thanks for coming to my party!
Cash and Nouna

The Underwood and Ankrom Clan

Daddy and his Yaya

Cousin Kayla.

Whoa. Look at all that stuff! I am such a lucky girl. Thanks to EVERYONE who came to my party!!!

I got to help make my birthday (cup)cake!

June 27, 2009Today I helped my mom make birthday cupcakes for me! She made special cupcakes so that they would be healthy for me to eat! I just had to sit there while she mixed all the ingredients. I got bored, so she gave me a cracker!Whoa! She even let me stir the batter!
Finally, what I have been waiting for, I got to lick the mixers! All of it was baby safe to eat!

I can't wait for my birthday party tomorrow!