Editor's Note: Oops, Mommy made a mistake...

A BIG mistake!
Early in the game I made a bet with Cory that I would like to go back on:Whichever school won the Apple Cup is the university that Rainey will attend.
Now I have always been supportive of WSU, even in this not so proud season. I, myself, am an Indiana University Alumni, whose Hoosiers lost to Purdue today 62-10. BUT, I thought it would be a pretty safe bet that the Huskies would win and I would have my daughter close by, (at least until her early twenties). Besides, UW seems an excellent place to get an education. Unfortunately for me, the Cougs pulled it off and now all I can rely on is Rainey's free will.
Have fun in Pullman baby, don't forget to bundle up.

Rainey's 1st taste of the APPLE: Will it be bitter or sweet?

Maybe one of these two can play in the Apple Cup and help out the Cougs?
Put me in coach!

Good luck Coug fans! I'll be watching with daddy!
November 22, 2008

Rain Drop has a funny hat

November 17, 2008
Rainey is doing so well.
She went to the doctor on Wednesday and she weighs 14.5 lbs and is 25 inches long. She laughs all the time now and she likes to stick out her tongue (or chew on it, I guess!). She also cries less and yells more. She is definitely finding her voice. She changes very frequently between looking like her daddy and looking like her mommy. She has mastered rolling over in both directions and will push off your hands to do an army crawl. (Crawling is a long ways away).
We love her so much.