Three Weeks Old!

July 22, 2008

Mommy thinks I look like daddy!

Rainey 2008
Cory 1978

Long time, no post

July 21, 2008
Hello friends and family!
Today we went in for mommy and Rainey's Three Week Check Up and both of us are doing great! Rainey weighed in at exactly 8lbs 5 oz, (her birth weight), and she's looks very healthy. We had a very good weekend and spent sometime outside (in the shade of course)! We hope you are all doing well!

I'm Cute!

July 17, 2008
Pictures from today!

Daddy's Back at Work

Monday, July 14, 2008
Daddy went back to work today! Although we missed him, I was a very good girl all day and we are so happy that dad got to take care of all of his clients. When he got home we watched the Home Run Derby and we can't wait for the All Star Game tomorrow!

Rainey's First (Soft)ball game!

July 11, 2008
It was daddy's last softball game of the year and Rainey just had to see him play! She also had her first stroller ride today! Daddy's team won one game and lost the other, but they definitely had the cutest cheerleader possible!

Rainey's First Visit to the Chiropractor

July 7, 2008
Today Rainey went to Today's Chiropractic with Mommy to get her first adjustment.

As usual, she did great.
As you can see in the last picture, Dr. Laycock did an awesome job and she was so relaxed afterward!

Happy 4th of July!

Resting with Cash William, he makes me sleepy!

Arrg, Happy Fourth of July Matey!

Rainey's Firsts

July 3, 2008
It was a day of firsts for Rainey!
First car ride and first doctors appointment.
Rainey weighed in at 7lbs 8oz and that is perfectly normal. She did a great job at the doctor and didn't even cry when her heel got poked a few times for her PKU test. She was a champ!


July 2, 2008

Rainey is here!

July 1, 2008
Our baby girl is finally here. We aren't the best picture takers in the whole world, so feel free to come see her in person whenever you want!

Happy Birthday, Rainey

Happy Birthday Rainey Alexis Carbary.

Today you were born a sweet healthy baby at 8lbs 5 oz, 20 inches long. Mommy worked so hard on your labor with it starting at 3:00p.m. on Monday and you being born at 4:30p.m. on Tuesday, July 1st. We were so happy to be able to have you at home. Welcome to the world, little one. We love you.