Rainey's Dreaming of a White Christmas...

Christmas The Prequel

December 10, 2008
Uncle Ryan was home from Iraq this week and I was lucky enough to see him twice! We went out for dinner on Saturday, and then on Wednesday (the 10th) we had our Christmas with him. It was my first time opening presents and I think I did a pretty good job. I like my Caterpillar the best (and this great stuff called, "wrapping paper"), but I got alot of wonderful things from my Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle. A fun time was had by all!
Look what I can do!
1st Rice Cereal!
December 2, 2008
Rainey and Santa!!!!
Editor's Note: Oops, Mommy made a mistake...

Rain Drop has a funny hat
My First Trip
Three months of Rain
My First Mariners Game!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Today I went to see the Seattle Mariners vs. The Los Angeles Angels, my first game! I had a great time and even dressed in my Mariners sweater and hat. Daddy carried me all around the stadium in the Baby Bjorn. Everyone thought I was so cute. I stayed awake the whole time but fell right asleep in the car.
It was a good day.
Uncle Ryan

Hello there! I met my Uncle Ryan (daddy's bro) for the first time last week! He is my only uncle and I was so excited to meet him. He has been stationed in Colorado Springs, CO while awaiting going to Iraq soon, so I haven't seen him at all. Please keep him and all our troops in your prayers!
My Stats
My doctor's appt went great! I am now 10lbs 15oz and 23 inches. I am a little thing! That's okay though. The doctor said that I have put all my energy into growing long, but not bulking up. My mom wishes that were the case for her too! Speaking of that, my mom has created a blog to motivate her to GET IN SHAPE. Check it out and hold her accountable to exercise and get back to what she was before I came around and she spent all her time staring at me! http://danisbabyweightblog.blogspot.com/
Check out the picture from my first doctor's appt. (Two months ago)

I hope everyone has a great day! Thanks for visiting. -Rainey Alexis